Company offers expert and professional
Craigslist posting service. We are based in Houston
TX and Los
Angeles CA but we can
assist you develop unique posting strategies regardless of where you’re located.
Our research led us to the conclusion that a lot of small to mid-sized
businesses rely a lot on Craigslist for leads. This is not surprising given
Craigslist is in list of the top 20 most trafficked websites in the world. It
gets its appeal from the fact that one can advertise on it for free in most
categories. Also, most people on Craigslist are looking to buy immediately and
therefore make very good business prospects.
Craigslist has come a long way since its inception back in
1995. While it is very easy to join and use, it is extremely competitive.
Hundreds of new listings are created in each category each day (more like each
second of the day). Depending on where you post, your listing will stay at the
top for only a few minutes at most before other listings push it downward and
on into oblivion. In the past, businesses would overcome this by posting
multiple times in multiple cities throughout the day but Craigslist has now
installed a sophisticated spam filter that has made this practice extremely
difficult. The filter is now able to detect where (geographically) one is
posting from and automatically flags and "ghosts" any other ads
posted by the same person in a different location/category. It does this by
monitoring your "online footprint" which may include your unique ip
address. In many cases, Craigslist outrightly removes ads which they feel have
violated their terms.
"Ghosting" is by far the most frustrating of
Craigslist’s penalties. This results in your ad being "hidden" from
view even though you (the poster) can see it in your profile. Your ad appears
to be active and visible but in reality, the general public cannot see it. To
the poster, this is a waste of time and money. Many small businesses have given
up on CL altogether because of this.
Many times when one joins
a service, they indicate that they have agreed to the terms and conditions.
Often times, these terms are rarely read in their entirety. CL has some
stringent terms and conditions and it would do well to familiarize yourself
with them. Failure to do so can lead to your ads being flagged.
Another very disturbing
phenomenon to emerge recently is people offering a service to flag other
people’s ads. This means your ad can be flagged for absolutely no reason
whatsoever other than that your competition hired someone to flag all ads
similar to yours in order to boost theirs.
We can help you with the
Publish multiple ads in multiple categories without violating CL’s
Create cutting-edge stunning graphics for your post (ads with
graphics get a far better response than those without)
Create the right keywords to ensure your ads are found even
outside Craigslist
Ensure you don’t get flagged, ghosted or banned.
Multi-city posting
It is currently very difficult for small businesses, most of
which are sole proprietorships, to post to multiple cities in Craigslist. This
is because of the site’s stringent monitoring mechanisms which discourage
duplicate ads. It is also extremely time consuming. That hurts a lot of
businesses given some do need to post to multiple cities on a daily basis. As
Craigslist posting professionals, our craigslist ad posting services help such
businesses overcome the huddles of posting to different states or localities
all without using complicated craigslist posting software.
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