Tuesday 8 September 2015

Verizon phone numbers for Craigslist verification.

I'm going to explain how to get unlimited high quality verizon phone numbers to make PVA accounts with. I've tried this with craigslist, youtube, gmail, facebook. Pretty much anything that requires phone verification and it works because they are actual verizon phone numbers.

So what you need -

1. $35 + ~$15 + Shipping and handling to get the set up.
2. A Verizon Gusto 3 pre-paid cell phone, they are about $15 USD give or take.
3. A Verizon $35 monthly pre-paid card, the reason I do this rather than adding $5-$10 on the account is because I think when you get an actual plan it lowers you on their radar and makes it a less chance for them to blacklist you.

After you have your Gusto and a pre-paid card set up a Verizon account on a fake name so they have no way to track you.

Once your phone is activated to the area code you want, use the number to make an account at the place of your choosing and use these following codes to make a new number:

For Verizon phone number you may order here:  http://www.cheap-pvas.com/

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